Low-Carb Lifestyle for Men 50 and Over


If you are considering ways to improve your eating habits, then chances are you have come across all types of fad diets such as Keto or Paleo. The truth is that all diets ā€“ especially fad diets ā€“ are not one size fits all. Every person is unique and will require different nutrients to accommodate their particular health and lifestyle preference. However, there is one rule that does tend to rule them all when it comes to dietary health and weight loss: the low-carb lifestyle is best.

To be very clear, the low-carb lifestyle is not the same as the no-carb or extremely restrictive carb lifestyle. The low-carb lifestyle is a moderate and effective dietary approach that men over 50 adopt for many reasons, namely because a low-carb diet provides multiple health benefits. A low-carb diet can help prevent and manage diabetes, regulate blood sugar, ward off chronic diseases, and even help you lose weight. Ultimately, the low-carb lifestyle is the best long-term eating habit to adopt.

What are carbs and why do they matter?

There are three core nutrients that are essential to your body: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are crucial to your biological functions, and the three primary carbohydrates include sugar, starch, and fiber. Processed carbohydrates like breads, breakfast cereals, or pastas are known as simple carbohydrates, and unprocessed carbohydrates such as grains, legumes, potatoes, and other starchy vegetables are typically referred to as complex carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the bodyā€™s primary source of energy and fuels all core organs and systems. Since most all foods contain some form of carbohydrates, it is virtually impossible to abide by a zero-carb diet. Despite the face that carbs are necessary, too many carbs ā€“ especially too many processed, simple carbs ā€“ can cause health complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases.

How many daily carbs should men over 50 consume?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americanā€™s recommends that around 50% of the standard 2,000 calories a person consumes in a day should be carbohydrates. Around 50% of 2,000 calories translates to around 225-325 grams of carbs. This means that on average, a low-carb diet is any diet that allows for approximately 50-150 grams of carbs per day.

Depending on your health and fitness goals, the number of daily carbs men over 50 should consume varies, but on average, men looking to cut back on carbs should consume approximately 125 grams of carbs every day. (Men with diabetes or who struggle with obesity should consult with their doctor as fewer daily carbs will likely be recommended.)

100-150 grams of carbs ā€“ This is a maintainable, low-carb daily range for men 50+ who are already at a healthy weight and frequently engage in intense exercise.

50-100 grams of carbs ā€“ This is a maintainable, low-carb daily range for men 50+ who do not engage in intense exercise and are trying to carefully and permanently shed a few pounds through dieting.

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Good carbs vs bad carbs

The body converts all carbs to sugar, but that does not mean that sugary foods/drinks are the same as any and all carbs. Complex carbohydrates are far more healthy than simple, processed carbohydrates, and natural sugar from honey or fruit is way better than processed sugar such as white sugar and sodas. Complex carbohydrates and natural sugars are better for you because they are higher in fiber and other nutrients and as a result are digested more slowly which allows for more optimal blood sugar levels and improved metabolism. Learn more about complex vs. simple carbohydrates.

Complex (good) carbs
  • Whole wheat
  • Oats
  • Brown, wild, non-white rice
  • Quinoa
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Beans, legumes, lentils,
  • Potatoes
  • Whole, non-processed grains
Processed simple (not so good) carbs
  • White wheat (breads, refined, sugary breakfast cereals, pastries, etc.)
  • Raw sugar, white sugar, brown sugar, etc.
  • Corn syrup
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Pasta
  • White rice

Low-carb diet lifestyle hacks

A ā€œlow-carb dietā€ is a general guideline and not a formal or officially structured diet. If you are keen to cut a few carbs then here are some guidelines to follow.
  1. Know exactly how many daily carbs you need to consume. Donā€™t guess. Consult with your doctor to determine exactly how many daily carbs are right for you based on your current health and fitness goals. Then, count your carbs.
  2. Use your plate. If counting carbs isnā€™t for you, then the plate method is a great low-carb lifestyle hack to practice mindful carb consumption. Instead of measuring and carefully counting your carbs, mentally cut your plate in half, and then in half again on one side. This should leave you with one large section (Ā½ of the plate) and two smaller sections (each Ā¼ of the plate). High-fiber and low-starch vegetables like greens, cauliflower, mushrooms, etc. should fill one-half of your plate. In one of the smaller sections of your plate, place lean protein, and in the final small section, choose a complex starchy food such as squash, rice, or potatoes.
  3. Next, remove or reduce any and all simple processed carbs from your diet. Sugary foods should only be consumed in moderation, and reducing or replacing sugar with healthy options is the quickest and healthiest way to immediately and safely cut carbs.
  4. Eat the rainbow. One way to make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet is to ensure the food on your plate is very colorful (from natural color sources). When you do eat carbs, remember that the naturally more colorful the food is, the better and more complex a carb it is. For example, the Japanese purple sweet potato is healthier with far more nutrients than a regular potato.

Interested in learning more about healthy dieting? Check out our links below:

Final Thoughts on Low-Carb Lifestyle for Men 50 and Over

You heard us say before that our diets as men 50 and over are substantially different than when we were in our 20s. The wrong types of carbs at this point in our life can have some serious implications, so watch your intake carefully! It doesn’t take a lot to weed out the bad from the good, and you’d be surprised how much better you feel when you do. (I’m speaking from experience on this one.)

As always, we hope that you find worthwhile information here in Low-Carb Lifestyle for Men 50 and Over. Want us to cover other self-help topics? Reach out to me directly through ourĀ Contact page or leave a comment below, we read each one! Stay healthy and all the best ~ Glen.

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