Alcohol and Men’s Health Over 50


**Glen’s Note** First the good news – in moderation, alcohol consumption can be safe! And we probably already knew that. Everything in moderation, right? But what we also know is excessive intake can be dangerous. Research has shown that men 50 and over can be at a greater risk for many of its negative effects than other groups of people. As we age, we should have the facts at our disposal so we can make informed decisions and we can help with our piece – Alcohol and Men’s Health Over 50.

In our continuing series on men’s health as it relates to our diets, we asked our team dietitian to give us an honest appraisal of how we should approach alcohol and how to (or not to) incorporate it into our lifestyle.

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So, Why Are Men a High-Risk Group?

That is a good question. In a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), studies have shown adult men:

  • Are more likely to drink excessively than women are.
  • Twice as likely to binge drink than women and almost twice as likely to meet the criteria for alcohol dependence (1).
  • Have higher rates of drinking-related injuries and deaths compared to women.
  • Men are more likely to commit suicide, and more likely to have been drinking prior to committing suicide.

Granted, there is no guarantee that men 50 and over fall in these categories, but it can be an indicators that men need to be more aware of alcohol’s potential outcomes. Aside from the social implications, medical research has long shown that long-term health problems associated with excessive drinking that are specific to men include:

  • Increased risk of mouth, throat, esophageal, liver, and colon cancers (1).
  • Potential impact to sexual health including testicular functions and erectile dysfunction. (Check our blog on Diet Tips for Your Sexual Health for more discussion on your diet.)

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Over 50 Is the New 21

Emerging research has highlighted a surprising and alarming trend: older people are developing dangerous drinking habits. One study out of New Zealand found that 40% of people 50 and older, and 50% of men 50 and older are engaging in hazardous drinking (2).

More research out of England from The English Longitudinal Survey of Aging showed that “people over 50 who are social, highly educated, and active” have a higher risk of harmful drinking habits (3). They classified the results as a “middle-class phenomenon” that affected “successful agers.” The study specifically showed that the risk of harmful drinking peaked for men in their early 60s (3).

What Might Explain The Trend?

One hypothesis for why older, more affluent folks are more likely to over-consume alcohol is that they can afford the habit. Further, successful individuals have more free time on their hands to engage in social drinking. Could also be that men in positions of influence may feel pressure to keep up with their social status or younger male counterparts.

Other theories propose that aging alone is sufficient as an explanation, as retired persons have more free time to drink. The root cause is likely a complex relationship between many factors, but the important thing to remember is to be aware and be cautious of how much you’re drinking.

How Can Men Over 50 Safely Enjoy Alcohol?

Whether it’s a smooth glass of red wine, a hearty craft brew, or a tangy margarita on a warm summer night, alcoholic beverages are a big part of many people’s quality of life. Food and drink contribute to the pleasures of life and can be enjoyed safely with a little knowledge and planning.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, alcohol should be consumed in moderation. So, how much is that, exactly? Men can safely enjoy up to two drinks per day (4). “One drink” is defined as 12 fluid ounces of regular beer (5% alcohol), 5 fluid ounces of wine (12% alcohol), or 1.5 fluid ounces of 80 proof distilled spirits (40% alcohol).

Final Thoughts on Alcohol and Men’s Health Over 50.

We’ve all heard it before, but always remember to avoid alcohol if you plan to drive or operate machinery, take certain over the counter (OTC) or prescription medications, have certain medical conditions, or are unable to control the amount you drink (5). Always talk with your physician if you have questions or concerns about your alcohol consumption.

We hope that you’ve found some useful information with our piece on Alcohol and Men’s Health Over 50As always, if you don’t see something here you want us to cover, feel free to reach out to us directly through our Contact page or leave a comment below. Stay healthy!

About the Author

MM Bio Pic
Michelle Monroe, RDN

Michelle Monroe has been a Registered Dietitian with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics since 2008. She has an array of experience in the field including clinical dietetics, long-term care, diabetes education, food service management, community nutrition, one-one-counseling, and meal planning.

Michelle loves her work and the learning, but most importantly she loves the relationships that she forms with her clients. Being able to help people is one of the most rewarding experiences of her life.

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